Monday, October 14, 2013

Psst.. Courting or dating?

September 15th 2013 – A bright sunny day in Bangalore which started off with my usual morning routine, where I take ages to get off the bed. This time though my dad made sure I do and then the half hour of yawning, wandering like a zombie across the room looking at the bed and wondering: should I? Shouldn’t I? I finally give up the temptation and get ready to… not go to work but to see a girl my parents chose for me, the one who is going to be a part of my life for…well…ever. I certainly did not see it coming. Not even a bit, but then life is full of surprises they say....

Saturday, March 10, 2012

My Tribute to the Legend of Cricket - Rahul Dravid

Rahul Dravid, India’s best Defence or rather “The Wall” as many would call him; retired from international cricket today. Not the day where you would see a full-house stadium giving him standing ovations, not the day where the spotlight is on him, not the day like Gilli & Waugh had in their last test where all the supporters were behind them. Like all his decisions in life, he chose not to make his retirement a grandstanding event. I expected nothing less from a man who has entertained us for 16 years.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sing along...

Lately, I have been listening to lot of Rock/Pop/Metal/folk/country music.. Some are inspiring, some are of great help when stressed or angry, some are jus so soothing that you keep listening to ‘em, some make you wanna dance, some make you wanna head-bang, some just makes you sad, some really cheers you up, some can just put you to sleep anytime. Henceforth I was just wondering if I can come up with few of my favorites… and after an endeavoring effort, here they are...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

With the Gods of Metal.. Metallica - India Concert 2011 Experience

Oct 30th 2011: A day which will go down in history. The first ever F1 race & the first Metallica concert (after waiting 30 years) in India. Ever. And I was there to see the Gods of Metal play. Indeed!! J How was it? Well, here is how it was:

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Spider’s Web...

We rise, we fall, we celebrate.

Just when we think
how difficult it’s to rise;
The human in us hopes
we do not face the fall.

The most celebrated festival;
the festival of Lights,
where we pray and hope
and hope nothing goes wrong.

Just when we think
all is right,
it usually isn’t,
It’s never all right.

An orb-spinning spider
puts its elegant traps together
for years for months
hoping to catch its prey.

Just when we think
we will not be the cause anyone’s fall;
we wipe the cobweb in a flash
on eve of the festival.

Just when we think
we human are gifted with the power;
The power to think, the power to act.
But do we really think, are we really human?

Ask the spider who lost its home
at the cost of our own celebration.
And you will be surprised,
how a small thing can redefine your life.
...Rohit Mehta
July 13, 2011: 2:00AM

Monday, June 27, 2011

Through the rain forests of Agumbe

Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.

After the rocky mountains of Savandurga a couple of weeks back, we were up for the rain forests down south. It was a whole new adventure filled with the pleasant view of nature at its best and sick leeches sucking the blood out of us. Memorable as always, filling our hearts with the times of joy, here is the journey to Agumbe: The Cherapunji of South.

Monday, June 20, 2011

I will always return - Savandurga Trek

I will always return

I hear the wind across the plain
A sound so strong - that calls my name
It's wild like the river - it 's warm like the sun
Ya it's here - this is where I belong

Under the skies - where eagles have flown
This place is paradise - it 's the place I call home
The sun on the mountains
The whisper through the trees
The waves on the water
Let nothing come between this and me

Cuz everything I want - is everything that's here
And when we're all together - there's nothing to fear

And wherever I wander - the one thing I've learned
It's to here - I will always...always return

5 AM in the morning. After a long time I was up so early, waiting to see the sunrise in Bangalore. No! I dint get up to prepare for any exam. I am past all that. By the way, I never woke up early to prepare for exams. Nevertheless, this time it was for trekking. Savandurga. Never heard of it before. Or wait!! May be I ve heard of it but I don’t remember. Dam my memory. Anyways I get ready & all set to go & get tarnished.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The ROI of an MBA

The average ISB student will be paying an EMI of 25k over 7 years, an IIM student 25k over 5 years (going for the exchange program could jack that up by another 4-5k per month). So the concern students have is: "What will be my ROI?"