Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Spider’s Web...

We rise, we fall, we celebrate.

Just when we think
how difficult it’s to rise;
The human in us hopes
we do not face the fall.

The most celebrated festival;
the festival of Lights,
where we pray and hope
and hope nothing goes wrong.

Just when we think
all is right,
it usually isn’t,
It’s never all right.

An orb-spinning spider
puts its elegant traps together
for years for months
hoping to catch its prey.

Just when we think
we will not be the cause anyone’s fall;
we wipe the cobweb in a flash
on eve of the festival.

Just when we think
we human are gifted with the power;
The power to think, the power to act.
But do we really think, are we really human?

Ask the spider who lost its home
at the cost of our own celebration.
And you will be surprised,
how a small thing can redefine your life.
...Rohit Mehta
July 13, 2011: 2:00AM

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