Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sing along...

Lately, I have been listening to lot of Rock/Pop/Metal/folk/country music.. Some are inspiring, some are of great help when stressed or angry, some are jus so soothing that you keep listening to ‘em, some make you wanna dance, some make you wanna head-bang, some just makes you sad, some really cheers you up, some can just put you to sleep anytime. Henceforth I was just wondering if I can come up with few of my favorites… and after an endeavoring effort, here they are...

Cranberries - Zombie

Zombie, zombie, zombie,
Hey, hey, hey.
What's in your head,
In your head,
Zombie, zombie, zombie?
Hey, hey, hey, hey, oh, dou, dou, dou, dou, dou...

This song seems to bring out the horror of a war, how love precedes over hatred and how the mind is filled with Zombies. Or that is how I interpret the lyrics. Either ways it’s beautiful and is also soothing to listen to.

Bang bang, he shot me down
Bang bang, I hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, my baby shot me down.

Awesome song. Lyrics are pretty simple complimented by an elementary music (I reckon just a single instrument playing) A childhood love story broken (for reason unknown). Unlike others, I haven’t come across this song through the movie Kill Bill as I just happened to hear it on a drive with friends. “that awful sound”  has left me in awe.

And I will try to fix you…

It’s one of those songs which gives you a feeling that there is always someone to fix & help when life has taken a bad turn.

John Denver - Country Roads

Country Roads, take me home
To the place I belong

This song is perfect for a drive through Country roads. It makes me wanna drive and drive to splendid places and hum this song along.

things go wrong
but it's alright
We're all just passin' through here
At the speed of light 

Another great song while driving and has some motivational lyrics. I primarily like this song cause of its relaxing music.

I just want you to know who I am

A romantic song.. also depressing.. Did anyone ever understand you? Do you hope that someone you love knows who you are? Or probably wanting desperately for that person to know who you are..? That’s what this song is all about.

So take these words
And sing out loud
Cause everyone is forgiven now
Cause tonight's the night the world begins again

Amazing lyrics. An inspirational song spreading peace and love and meant for all those people who think materialistic things matter when compared to emotions.

the walls of my memory divide the thorns from the roses
It's you and the roses

Touch me and I will follow in your afterglow..

The prologue gave me a feeling that it has an Indian touch to it, but I was wrong. It has a soporific feel to it. It’s depressing in a way as the vocalist is deeply in love and living in his loved one’s afterglow and just couldn’t move on.

I'm better off on my own..

Great lyrics and has a deep struggle to it. You try to be some one else but you will never succeed whilst your inner-self is always better off on its own..

People talking without speaking
People hearing without listening
People writing songs that voices never share
And no one dared
Disturb the sound of silence

I couldn’t get the meaning of this song in spite of listening to it numerous times. I had to google it and find the answer. The Sound of Silence.. has a soporiferous touch to it. I came across different opinions. Some very abstract, some more meaningful, but still ain’t sure which is the apt one.

It's been so long since I've been home
I've been gone, I've been gone for way too long
Maybe I forgot all things I miss
Oh somehow I know there's more to life than this

What happens when you live in royalty? I guess that’s what he is trying to limn here, devoid of emotions and living a debauched life trying to find out its meaning and what he deserves.

I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in C I'm dying, are the best I've ever had

In simple words: How existence can make you feel empty & deserted. 

Lay down the arms, give up the fight.

Reminds me of the series: The Pacific; where a solider after winning the war and returning home is all with pride but in ruins, not able to live on his own, looking for forgiveness, who just can’t forget the bloodshed and how it has changed him forever. A tribute to all those soldiers.

But your thoughts will soon be wandering
The way they always do…

This track’s video & audio are totally not-in-sync. For some reason, the video shows the struggle of a wench who is also a mother and how she tries to balance her two roles, where-as the lyrics are totally different; about a singer and how the world sees him, how he gives all his strength & sweats while he performs and how he has his last cigarette at the end of the day with the echoes of the amplifier and hence turns the page for the new day, new ride, new performance. It brings back the memories of the movie: Crazy Heart.

Oh, if he really does exist
Why did he desert me
In my hour of need
I truly am indeed
Alone again, naturally…

I first came upon this song in the movie “The Vrigin Suicides”. It just played for a few seconds in one of the scenes and I made up mind that very moment that this is gonna be on my playlist. After hearing the complete song, I was right, as it came on my list and played on & on for few days repeatedly. The guitar is so solacing. It was 1972 when this song came up. Complete solo out of an acoustical guitar with amazing lyrics to compliment it.

I come to you in pieces
So you can make me whole!
This song brings tears as I feel it very close to my heart. It implies how alone you can be when you don’t feel the essence of a close one. I was away from my mom while at work for 2 years and now she isn’t with me anymore L she’s the one to whom I can go in pieces and she will make me whole. Always..

I'm in love and always will be..

Dido is so adamant here to give up on her love even after leaving him. Fight hard, fight until you get your love.. A perfect case of accepting the end of a relationship but refusing to move on…

Wherever you go, whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

It complements the above song with its lyrics keying out similar emotions.

I'm just a dreamer
I dream my life away
I'm just a dreamer
Who dreams of better days

On a rainy day, drive through nature, gaze the world outside through the window, listen to this song & dream of better days J Perfect.

I can never sing these SOAD tracks along. They are really really fast. When they play I will just be like… ta tad a da da tat ad dad a…

Life is beautiful
We love until we die

An inspirational song and can get you all dreamy on cloud 9 even in worst of your situations.

I hope you've had the time of your life..

A great song sung by the great vocalist and guitarist, Billie Joe Armstrong. Intentionally ending my list with this song, hoping that you had a good time reading this list J

This ain’t the end though. Another category which I keep listening to: Instrumental. Again, there are numerous dandy tracks. I will try listing down a few here:
<exclaims> I am exhausted compiling this list. You might not agree on how I have interpreted these lyrics, hence always remember the famous saying: "It takes two to make music, the musician who plays the song in reality and the listener who plays the song in his head". This is all just out of my head J Well, I haven’t mentioned lot of other favorites like Pink Floyd – Could be enjoyed in any mood and best enjoyed when you are in a floating state (I presume you got what I am trying to say here J), Metallica & Amon Amarth (Metal at its best), Coldplay, Greenday, Guns & Roses, Bryan Adams, MLTR and a lot more. Each one has loads of great tracks and is difficult to put it all up here.

While I may have missed a few, I hope I have queried my brain enough to dig out the best of the songs. I will probably keep adding on to this list as and when I come across the missed ones.

PS: Coming soon: (soon? Hmmm, well, may be in a week/month/year or never) The list of my favorite movies & of course the reason behind my liking towards them. Now, this is kinda HUGE, really huge and difficult to query & compile. I apologize in case my brain returns a “Running out of memory” exception whilst the query is hitting hard.

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